Jan 05, 2015

Creating a Thriving New England for All

“New Englanders living in low-income and communities of color are more deeply impacted by our current environmental challenges than society at large,” says Veronica Eady. That’s why CLF, in collaboration with community groups and residents in environmental justice communities, is working to reduce the environmental hazards that threaten public health across New England.

Protesting the biomass plant in Springfield
Oct 01, 2014

How to Choose a Business Structure: A Decision Guide

While it does not replace good legal counsel, this Guide sets a framework to help entrepreneurs understand how different business structures can impact their criteria and goals. Though we initially intended to create a guide specifically for local food enterprises, the information and themes proved to be universal, and so we offer this industry agnostic guide.

Apr 08, 2014

Conservation Matters Spring 2014: Year in Review

Hitting Its Stride: The Transformation of Our Energy System is Reaching its Tipping Point… Clean Solutions for Dirty Water: Stopping Nutrient Pollution from Laying Waste to Our Waterways… Pioneering Ocean Planning: Making Room for All the Fish (and More) in the Sea…Funding on the Move: Solving New England’s Transportation Puzzle… A Model Investment: Building Healthy Communities One Neighborhood at a Time

Feb 01, 2014

New England Food Hub Site Suitability Analysis

Created to inform and enhance state- and regional-level discussions about food hub placement and food system development, the models and information provided in this analysis can help food entrepreneurs, investors, and policy makers frame their decisions on the placement, design, and support for food hubs in underserved areas of New England.

Oct 18, 2013

Elena Mihaly

Elena Mihaly is the Vice President for Vermont. Having joined CLF in 2013, Elena leads advocacy initiatives in Vermont related to climate, water quality, public health, and environmental justice. Her past successes include fighting for stronger water quality protections for Lake Champlain under EPA’s TMDL clean-up plan, working to protect children from lead poisoning in… Continue reading Elena Mihaly

Sep 27, 2013

Healthy Neighborhoods Equity Fund Health Impact Assessment

Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) and the Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation (MHIC) have created a $30 million private equity fund model that will consider the community, environmental, and health benefits of a proposed project as well as the financial risks and returns. The model, known as the Healthy Neighborhoods Equity Fund (HNEF), will result in investments that have the potential to transform neighborhoods, strengthen population and environmental health, and promote regional equity − while providing investors with financial and social returns.

Apr 08, 2013

Conservation Matters Spring 2013: Year in Review

Ocean Habitat Protection: For the Sake of Cod & Country… Enforcing Water Quality Standards Across New England… Out with the Old, in with the New: New England is a critical moment in energy transformation… Sustainable Agriculture: Sustainable Food: Growth and Innovation

Jul 09, 2012

Growing Green

In Growing Green: Measuring Benefits, Overcoming Barriers, and Nurturing Opportunities for Urban Agriculture in Boston, we looked at what would happen if commercial urban farms put 50 acres of currently underutilized land into food production. We found that it would: Create between two and five direct, on-farm jobs per acre, or between 130 and 220 jobs across… Continue reading Growing Green