Apr 24, 2018

Lake Champlain Report Card: State Gets a D+ for Its Clean-up Efforts

Vermont’s rivers and lakes are not healthy. Toxic cyanobacteria plague our waters year after year threatening the health of people, wildlife, and our economy. Too often throughout the summer, signs are posted at public beaches warning families to stay out of the water. This is an annoyance for the parents who heed the warnings, scary… Continue reading Lake Champlain Report Card: State Gets a D+ for Its Clean-up Efforts

Feb 07, 2018

Vermont Legislators Debate Enforcement of Clean Water Laws

A summer of horrific blue-green algae outbreaks, particularly in Lake Carmi and along the shores of Lake Champlain, has many Vermont state legislators turning to the question of enforcement of our environmental laws. The fact is, we have protective laws on the books, but without enforcement, our water will remain polluted, threatening the health of… Continue reading Vermont Legislators Debate Enforcement of Clean Water Laws

Photo: JTyler/IStock