Jun 15, 2020

Giving Native River Herring a Second Chance

Thousands of dams, large and small, built over the last 250 years have cut fish off from freshwater spawning grounds, thwarting reproductive cycles that had been ongoing for eons. The impacts of these dams, on top of pollution, overfishing, and climate change, have led to a drastic decline in river herring populations – threatening their survival.

Royal River, Yarmouth, Maine
May 17, 2018

CLF Continues Working to Restore Native River Herring to New England’s Coastal Rivers

Every year, alewives and blueback herring return to their native waters to spawn. But thousands of dams have cut these fish off from thousands of acres of freshwater bodies, thwarting reproductive cycles that had been ongoing for eons. The impact of these dams, on top of threats from pollution and overfishing, have led to a drastic decline in river herring populations –  threatening their survival.

Saccarappa Falls Presumpscot River Maine