May 03, 2023

Turning Climate Laws into Action

“Goals and promises are meaningless without real action on the ground,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “The previous administration took little actual action to meet the goals laid out in Massachusetts’ strong climate laws, we now have an opportunity to do better. If we want to leave a healthy future for the next generation, it’s time to ditch fossil fuels and electrify everything from transportation to home heating, and these petitions lay out steps Massachusetts must take to get us there.”

Massachusetts State House
Feb 02, 2023

Getting Serious About Climate Resiliency

Climate disruption is forcing us to regularly grapple with extreme weather. That’s why we need to act now on climate resiliency measures to ensure that our communities can cope with not only the climate impacts here today but with those yet to come.

Man wading through flooded water in Boston highlights need for climate resiliency measures