Jul 29, 2020
“Big oil has known about the risks of the climate crisis for decades, and their silence and inaction speak volumes,” said Brad Campbell, President of CLF. “The communities surrounding these terminals are constantly at risk of being inundated with a stew of oil and toxic materials. It’s long past time for these companies to step up and prepare their facilities for flooding and extreme weather. The courts must hold them accountable under current law to avoid catastrophe.”
Jul 14, 2020
“Electric cars, trucks, and buses are the future,” said CLF Senior Attorney Emily Green. “Cutting transportation emissions to zero is a critical piece of confronting the climate crisis and protecting public health from toxic exhaust. This is yet another example of states leading the way while the federal government turns back the clock on environmental progress.
May 07, 2020
“This terminal sits directly in harm’s way and is already a terrible threat to the health of surrounding communities,” said Brad Campbell, President of CLF. “This facility was severely threatened by storm surge and floodwaters in Superstorm Sandy, and an ill-conceived expansion plan will invite catastrophe. Gulf must recognize the reality of the climate crisis and ensure that a facility in this location can withstand the impacts without dumping oil and other toxic materials into New Haven Harbor.”
Feb 19, 2020
“Exhaust pollution is extremely dangerous for children,” said Kenta Tsuda, Staff Attorney at CLF. “DATTCO collects millions of taxpayer dollars to serve Connecticut communities and their schoolchildren. It’s time for this company to prove it cares about these communities, their children, and their futures by stopping this unlawful and unsafe pollution.”
Dec 23, 2019
If you live anywhere near a school, you have likely seen buses idling while waiting for students to board or exit. Unfortunately, this routine practice can translate to serious health problems for kids and adults. Building on prior cases against tailpipe polluters, we recently announced a lawsuit against DATTCO, Inc. to force their buses to stop idling their engines and polluting neighborhoods with toxic diesel exhaust.
Dec 17, 2019
“Diesel exhaust pollution robs children of their futures,” said Kenta Tsuda, Staff Attorney at CLF. “Kids’ health should not be put at risk simply by riding the school bus or playing outside. DATTCO must immediately stop spreading toxic pollution in the communities it’s meant to serve.”
Dec 18, 2018
“The health and economic well-being of people and our planet depend on bold action today to create a transportation system for the future,” said Amy Laura Cahn, director, Healthy Communities & Environmental Justice program at Conservation Law Foundation. “Environmental justice communities have the fewest resources to adapt to the impacts of climate change but have long borne the greatest burdens of pollution and transportation inequity. We welcome a regional problem-solving approach, but our most disadvantaged residents must have a seat at the table.”
Aug 10, 2017
By Caitlin Peale Sloan and Max Greene In July, Governor Malloy released a long-awaited Comprehensive Energy Strategy for Connecticut. While it shows Connecticut’s interest in cutting carbon pollution, this strategy will not help the state reach its clean energy goals. Instead, it would further Connecticut’s reliance on dirty gas and destructive gas pipelines. What the… Continue reading Connecticut’s Draft Energy Strategy Is Big on Dirty Gas, Short on Clean Energy
Mar 07, 2017
The people of Bridgeport, Connecticut have lived under the shadow of the Bridgeport Harbor Station power plant for decades now. This old and inefficient power plant is one of the last in New England that still runs on coal, a dirty and expensive fuel that generates high levels of climate-damaging emissions – not to mention air… Continue reading Proposed Power Plant Would Spew A Million New Tons of Climate-Damaging Emissions