Healthy Communities and a Healthy Environment for All

From rural farmland and western foothills, to urban centers and coastal villages, Connecticut is a state of varied landscapes and remarkable range.

Our Solutions

For decades CLF has worked to protect people and communities across Connecticut. We’re fighting to shut down Bridgeport’s dirty coal-fired power plant and protect the state’s iconic waters from illegal pollution from commercial industrial sites. With our partners and allies, we’re working to make our air and water cleaner, protect our climate, and create safe and healthy communities for all.

  • CLIMATE CHANGE: We’re fighting to keep climate-damaging fuels in check, making our cars greener, and saying yes to clean, home-grown energy across the state.
  • CLEAN AIR & WATER: We’re leading the charge to hold polluters accountable for illegal stormwater discharge that’s harming our communities and our waters.
  • PEOPLE & JUSTICE: We’re fighting alongside communities that bear an unfair share of pollution and sit on the frontlines of the fallout from climate change.
  • OCEAN: We’re working hand-in-hand with partners and stakeholders to protect ocean wildlife and habitats – and the coastal communities that depend on them.
  • HEALTHY COMMUNITIES: We’re putting people at the center of our work, focusing on the environment as all of the places where people live, work, play, and learn.

Our Vision

We’re working towards a Connecticut powered by low-cost, reliable clean energy, with air free from dirty pollution and waters you can swim in, fish, and drink from without worry… a Connecticut with a flourishing ocean untainted by pollution where fish are bountiful and our shorelines resilient to climate change… and a Connecticut with thriving neighborhoods where you can easily walk and bike to the grocery store and work – and where public transit is accessible to everyone. This is the future that CLF is fighting to create.

What We’re Up Against

Connecticut is already experiencing the impacts of climate change – from warming ocean temperatures to more intense storms to a longer growing season. Old school ways of generating electricity, managing our oceans, and sustaining our communities simply won’t work any more.

Sea-level rise could devastate our coastal communities, and warming waters threaten the health of our marine wildlife – and the livelihoods of our fishing families. At the same time, polluted runoff is damaging our waterways – and the communities that depend on them for recreation and economic prosperity.

These are big challenges, yes. But CLF never backs down because a challenge is too big. We’re fighting with passion and conviction to ensure a healthy, thriving Connecticut for generations to come.