Protecting Maine’s Air, Land, and Water for All

From the rugged peaks of Baxter State Park to Acadia’s rocky shores, from the quiet beauty of our lakes to the bounty of our many farms, Maine is the place CLF has pledged to protect with all the tenacity, passion, and skill that we have.

Our Solutions

For 50 years, CLF has put our local knowledge and legal expertise to work for Maine’s people and communities. We blocked an oil refinery in Eastport that would have devastated its pristine harbor, brought alewives back to the St. Croix River, and stopped a destructive and unnecessary dam on the Penobscot. Today, we are fighting to make our air and water cleaner, protect our climate, and create safe and healthy communities for all.

  • CLIMATE CHANGE: We’re fighting to cut carbon pollution and saying yes to safe, clean, locally made energy across the state.
  • CLEAN AIR & WATER: We’re leading the charge to protect Maine’s air and waters, with a focus on holding polluters accountable for illegal and damaging stormwater discharge.
  • PEOPLE & JUSTICE: We’re fighting alongside communities that bear an unfair share of pollution and sit on the frontlines of the fallout from climate change.
  • OCEAN: We’re protecting our most fragile ocean habitats – and the coastal communities that depend on them.
  • HEALTHY COMMUNITIES: We’re putting people at the center of our work, focusing on the environment as all of the places where people live, work, play, and learn.

Our Vision

We’re working towards a Maine powered by safe, affordable, clean energy, with air free from pollution and waters you can swim in, fish, and drink from without worry… a Maine where our local farm economy and our fisheries are stronger and more vibrant than ever before… and a Maine where our ocean and our forests are fortified against the impacts of our changing climate. This is the future that CLF is fighting to create.

What We’re Up Against

Maine has the largest percentage of homes in the United States that still heat with oil – and our transportation sector is the state’s single largest source of carbon pollution. With damage to our climate already being felt in our forests and our ocean waters, the business-as-usual approach to energy simply won’t cut it anymore.

But it’s more than just our air and climate at risk. Sea-level rise could devastate our coastal communities, while warming waters could damage the habitats our marine wildlife – and our fishing families – need to thrive. At the same time, polluted runoff threatens the health of our rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds – and the communities that depend on them for recreation and economic prosperity.

That’s why CLF is fighting for change by holding polluters accountable and ensuring a healthy, thriving Maine for generations to come.

CLF Maine
53 Exchange Street, Ste 200
Portland, ME 04101

P: 207.210.6439