(c) Ecophotography


June 29, 2024
We have no time to waste and no tolerance for the false narratives peddled by the fossil fuel industry in the media and in the courts.
An offshore wind farm with the text Conservation Matters and Clearing the Air on Offshore Wind
April 5, 2024
The climate crisis threatens our lives, economy, land, air, and water. The actions we take between now and 2030 will shape New England’s future and that of our children and...
Cover of Conservation Matters. Text says
January 4, 2024
In the U.S. alone, we send millions of tons of food waste to landfills each year, where that waste produces methane emissions rivaling those from industrial sources.
Newsletter cover reads
October 30, 2023
As the conversation around our clean energy future progresses, new fuels have entered the field that are purportedly “renewable” and “clean.” These fuels are often called “bioenergy” because they are...
Limited and Careful Use: The Role of Bioenergy in New England's CleaN Energy Future
October 20, 2023
CLF identified common challenges and barriers, best practices, and gaps in research in order to develop a strategy for accelerating urban forestry efforts in New England.
Report cover called Urban Forestry
September 15, 2023
The fossil fuel industry spent billions to sabotage trust in climate science. Now, they’re spending billions to recast some fossil fuels as clean and sustainable. 
Image shows the cover of a newsletter with the words Conservation Matters and Conservation Law Foundation at the top. A photo shows three smokestacks spew white clouds of smoke against a blue sky.
August 17, 2023
The Massachusetts Public Waterfront Act guarantees public access to the land around Boston's waterfront and other waterways across the state. One way it does this is by requiring anyone building...
Report: Recreational Boating on Boston Harbor
July 19, 2023
Local farms are a fundamental way to connect communities through a shared love of healthy food.
Conservation Matters Summer 2023
April 27, 2023
Time is running out for us to take significant action in cutting climate-damaging emissions in New England and in the country as a whole. The good news is that we...
CLF 2023 Impact Report
March 31, 2023
Recent laws in Massachusetts require the Commonwealth to make progress on transit electrification. This report examines the MBTA’s climate and electrification mandates for buses and rails, as well as other...