Jun 22, 2021

NOAA Fisheries Approves Coral Protections

“Fragile deep-sea corals play a critical role in the marine ecosystem and must be protected,” said CLF Senior Attorney Erica Fuller. “Coral provide essential habitat for many important commercial and recreational fish species, and they are highly vulnerable to disturbances with any damage taking decades or centuries to recover. This rule is a good step in protecting some corals in select areas, but more must be done to expand these protections in the Gulf of Maine.”

Coral amendment
May 14, 2021

What Right Whale Names Can Teach Us About This Beautiful Species

Right whale names open a unique window into a whale’s life, describing unique physical features and telling the story of the experiences that they have overcome.

But who’s behind naming the whales? Or why do they bother naming them? Here’s the how, the why, and much more.

Right whale names - a north atlantic right whale sag with four whales interacting
May 06, 2021

Biden Administration Outlines Path to Protect 30% of Lands and Waters

“It cannot be overstated how critical it is to protect more of this country’s natural places,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Permanently protecting 30 percent of lands and waters will help fight the climate crisis, protect biodiversity, and give future generations a chance at inheriting a healthy planet. The administration’s report presents a reasonable path for reaching this goal in nine short years, but for the effort to be credible the administration needs to be clearer about what criteria must be met to consider lands or waters ‘preserved.’”

Biden's goal to restore protections for areas like the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts monument and set aside 30% of the ocean could help us create a healthy ocean. Photo: NOAA