Jul 22, 2024

5 Questions for Marina Vaz

Passion for fashion and ready to take action! Meet Marina Vaz, CLF’s environmental justice community advocate, and learn about her vision for the future of Nashua.

Headshot of Marina Vaz, CLF's environmental justice advocate in Nashua, NH.
Apr 11, 2024

How to Plan a Community Cleanup to Make It Count

Organizing a trash cleanup will only make a tiny dent in all the plastic we toss, but it’s still a great opportunity to care for the environment, get some steps in, and connect with friends and neighbors. They also highlight the detrimental effects that plastic has on our planet! Here’s a guide to plan yours.

Sunny beach day. A person wearing white gloves picks up empty plastic bottles from the sand and puts them inside a black plastic bag as part of a community cleanup. Cleanups like this help document the impact of plastic litter on our environment.
Jan 01, 2024

5 Questions for Britteny Jenkins

Britteny Jenkins, CLF’s Vice President for the Environmental Justice Program shares her journey and goals for our region. She will lead our transportation, climate justice, and zero waste efforts.

Portrait photography of Britteny Jenkins, Environmental Justice Vice President at Conservation Law Foundation. The background shows lush greenery and a green-tarnished metal fountain at Post Office Square in central Boston.
Aug 31, 2023

Green Halloween: 5 Ways to Embrace the Zero Waste Spirit

On Halloween, U.S. consumers spend over $10 billion on decorations, plastic-wrapped candy, costumes, and more. Many of these items will eventually find their final resting place in landfills and incinerators. But fear not! Here are 5 tips to celebrate a Green Halloween without sacrificing your fun.

Everything you need for a perfect Green Halloween. A mesh bag with pumpkins, gourds, and candles. DIY bats and spiders made from craft paper. And delicious chocolate eyeballs wrapped in foil.
Apr 27, 2023

The Truth about Overfishing

Overfishing is not caused by the actions of an individual boat. It’s a systemic problem in which federal regulators may allow fish to be caught faster than they can replenish themselves.

Atlantic Cod fish