Setting the Record Straight: Q&A on Offshore Wind in New England
Don’t believe the disinformation. We can develop offshore wind and meet our renewable energy goals while protecting the marine environment.
Don’t believe the disinformation. We can develop offshore wind and meet our renewable energy goals while protecting the marine environment.
Beaches across the Boston area are closed during the hottest week of the year. Climate-driven extreme rainfall is to blame.
As a skiing enthusiast, New England’s snowy slopes are my winter haven. But climate change is threatening them, and so much more.
The 2022 midterms captured national headlines for weeks. We asked CLF experts how the results will impact climate action and environmental justice in New England.
With pressure from CLF’s lawsuit mounting, the oil giant closed its polluting facility. But that won’t allow them to escape responsibility for it.
The House Oversight Committee recently held a hearing to interrogate Big Oil executives about their companies’ decades of deliberate climate disinformation. A disappointing yet unsurprising outcome tells us it’s time for more climate mandates for real accountability.
Climate change struck home for me when the waters at Salisbury Beach recently hit an unheard-of 75 degrees.
Massachusetts regulated six dangerous PFAS chemicals. It’s a good start but, like its New England neighbors, more can be done to safeguard our drinking water.