Mar 05, 2019

Offshore Wind and Right Whales Can Coexist. Here’s How.

It’s an exciting time for offshore wind in New England, with multiple projects moving forward over the next decade. Developers can move the clean energy industry forward while protecting North Atlantic right whales by following these best practices.

North Atlantic right whale
Feb 27, 2019

Conservation Matters Winter 2019

From climate to transit, from your tap water to the ocean, and from Maine to Connecticut, CLF and New England are poised to make progress where governments falter. Turn Off the Gas Winter Snow and Ice Bring Out Big Gas’s Fearmongers. Why is the Region’s Electric Grid Operator among Them? Progress Report Clear Skies Ahead… Continue reading Conservation Matters Winter 2019

Conservation Matters Winter 2019
Feb 11, 2019

New England Needs to Hit the Accelerator on Electric Vehicles

Americans are embracing electric vehicles and moving away from our dependency on fossil-fuel guzzling engines. But the transition needs to happen much more quickly if we’re going to reduce carbon pollution to the level required to avert climate catastrophe by 2050.

Electric car parking symbol