Dec 29, 2017

Invenergy is a Zombie

Invenergy is a zombie. By “zombie,” I mean the company’s proposed fracked gas and diesel fuel power plant is as good as dead. Invenergy may not be aware yet that its plant is as good as dead – that’s why Invenergy is still walking around. But it is as good as dead. Two different sets… Continue reading Invenergy is a Zombie

Nov 08, 2017

One Year Down: Fighting Back and Fighting On for New England

We’re not giving in. Yes, approaching a year after President’s Trump’s election, he seems intent on undermining decades of work to protect public health and the environment and fostering an ideology that denies and denigrates the basic facts of science. But we’ve been here before. In the 1970s, oil companies were intent on drilling for… Continue reading One Year Down: Fighting Back and Fighting On for New England

Photo: Shutterstock
Nov 03, 2017

Conservation Matters Fall 2017

We are at a defining moment in the effort to avert the threat of climate catastrophe. President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord has put the United States on the wrong side of history. With renewed urgency, CLF is escalating our work to develop legally binding climate laws, like the one we helped create and enforce here in Massachusetts, in every New England state.

Conservation Matters Fall 2017
Oct 12, 2017

Rick Perry Wants to Prop Up Old Coal and Nuclear Plants at Taxpayers’ Expense

In a stealth move that went virtually unnoticed by major media outlets, Energy Secretary Rick Perry last week used an obscure provision of law to essentially put the government’s thumb on the scale in favor of coal-fired and nuclear power plants. Secretary Perry directed the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to issue a new rule… Continue reading Rick Perry Wants to Prop Up Old Coal and Nuclear Plants at Taxpayers’ Expense

Oct 04, 2017

UPDATE: Fighting the Vermont Gas Pipeline – at the State Supreme Court

UPDATE: CLF argued our case this morning, taking Vermont gas to task for trying to charge hardworking vermonters for a polluting pipeline. The Vermont Supreme Court was engaged in our argument – we’re asking that the Vermont Public Utilities Commission follow its own rules and re-examine this project based on ballooning costs. We’ll let you… Continue reading UPDATE: Fighting the Vermont Gas Pipeline – at the State Supreme Court

Sep 29, 2017

Why We Need Solar Energy Now

We all know that climate change is a big problem. From more severe storms to prolonged heat waves, climate change is here and it’s happening now. Luckily, clean energy solutions like solar panels can help both our planet and our economy. In the last five years, the amount of power generated by solar panels has… Continue reading Why We Need Solar Energy Now