Dec 04, 2019

Fishery Managers Recommend Unlawful Cod Catch Limits

“Fishery managers are failing in their job to end overfishing of New England’s most recognizable fish species,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at CLF. “Cod is in crisis and the Council once again failed to make the hard decision needed to end overfishing and rebuild these stocks. The proposed limits are unlawful, and the federal government must disapprove them. Directed fishing on Atlantic cod should have been stopped years ago.”

Atlantic cod
Sep 13, 2019

Happy Birthday to Our Marine National Monument

As the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument turns three, we’re celebrating the critical role it plays in safeguarding the health of New England’s ocean for generations to come – and highlighting the need for more places like it in our ocean. 

Aug 23, 2019

How New England’s Congressional Delegation Can Protect Our Ocean

New England’s congressional delegation is currently home for the late summer recess. Away from the DC hustle and bustle, it is safe to say that many of our Senators and Representatives are enjoying New England’s ocean and remembering that it’s part of our New England way of life. It’s the perfect time to reinforce the fact that the ocean is essential to the health of our planet – and ask that they take concrete steps to protect it.

Cape Cod beach
Apr 26, 2019

Right Whale Protections Recommended at Stakeholder Meeting

“As we speak, there are two whales entangled in fishing gear 100 miles from this meeting,” said Erica Fuller, Senior Staff Attorney at CLF. “New England’s iconic whale can be saved if we’d simply stop allowing them to be killed year after year. Reducing and weakening the lines in the water is a start, but we need to go much further, much faster. Appropriate closures and ropeless fishing need to be part of the solution.”

North Atlantic right whale
Sep 20, 2018

Student Art Competition to Focus on Ocean Health and Protection of Right Whales

“The goal of this challenge is to inspire a new generation of ocean advocates,” said Dr. Priscilla Brooks, Director of Ocean Conservation at CLF. “North Atlantic right whales are in crisis and could become extinct in our lifetime without immediate action. This iconic species contributes to the health of the ocean ecosystem, benefiting all of the communities surrounding the Gulf of Maine. We hope the contest will transform our youngest residents into lifelong activists who fight for healthy oceans and right whale protections.”

Aug 24, 2018

Court Upholds Ban on Loading Crude Oil on South Portland Waterfront

“Today’s decision is a huge win for the city of South Portland, and it proves that local action can make a difference,” said Sean Mahoney, Executive Vice President and Director of CLF Maine. “Big oil tried every legal trick in the book to try and invalidate this ordinance and they lost on every count.”

May 02, 2018

Fisheries Managers Fail to Protect Our Ocean (Again)

After 14 years of development, a newly approved plan for managing New England’s fisheries should have prioritized protection of important ocean habitats and improved the long-term well-being of our fishing economy. Instead, in a short-sighted decision, fishery managers put fragile habitats and overfished species at even greater risk than they are today.

Kelp Forest and Red Cod
Jan 04, 2018

Not on Our Watch: Protecting New England’s Ocean from Offshore Drilling

[Update: On Jan. 4, 2018, the Trump administration announced a new five-year plan that would open up most U.S. continental shelf waters, including protected areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic, to oil and gas drilling. CLF joined 63 other groups in opposing this plan. Read the full joint statement here.] Over the past year, we’ve… Continue reading Not on Our Watch: Protecting New England’s Ocean from Offshore Drilling

Northeast Ocean Plan