Jun 21, 2023
“The State’s decision is an assault on one of our bedrock environmental protections,” said CLF attorney Mason Overstreet. “Dangerous chemicals are leaching out of this landfill and polluting the Black River and Lake Memphremagog, a drinking water source for thousands of people. The State’s irresponsible decision not to require a Clean Water Act permit blows a hole through the law’s core protections and leaves Vermonters exposed to pollutants. The court should reverse the state’s decision and require a permit with effective pollution control limits.”
Jun 20, 2023
“There’s no reason why tons of food should end up in New Hampshire’s landfills and incinerators,” said CLF attorney Nora Bosworth, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “Food decomposing in landfills spews toxic methane pollution, threatening our health and worsening the climate crisis. In fact, food is the single largest component in most landfills, so keeping it out of our trash will decrease our reliance on poisonous and unsustainable landfills. This provision will ensure that more food is donated or and composted, which is a win for our communities and the planet.”
Jan 27, 2022
Millions of adults and children around the country and here in New England suffer from a lack of access to affordable, nutritious food. What’s more, so much perfectly edible food gets dumped in landfills every day. The good news is that we can alleviate both of these problems at the same time.
Jan 14, 2022
Co-founders of Mei Mei Dumplings and Food Waste Feast, Mei and Irene are on a mission to pass along their professional knowledge for reducing food waste in the kitchen. Designing dishes that use up everything in the fridge and offering workshops on how to make your dollars go further by cooking smarter, the sister-duo is on the cutting edge of the food waste revolution.
Dec 02, 2021
Burying incinerator ash harms our health and environment. Yet, as New England’s incinerators limp on well past their lifespans, several ash landfills across the region want to expand.
Aug 10, 2021
When first built in 1976, New Hampshire’s Bethlehem Landfill was just a local dump – 400 x 400 feet in total. But thanks to large corporate waste companies with aggressive growth plans, the landfill has swelled in size. Today, it covers 50 acres and buries 175,000 tons of trash each year. The State of New… Continue reading Turning a Spotlight on New Hampshire’s Waste Crisis
May 20, 2021
“Polluting landfills don’t belong anywhere near New Hampshire’s beautiful state parks,” said CLF attorney Peter Blair. “The Senate has taken a giant step backward in killing this commonsense legislation that would have preserved parks for everyone’s enjoyment. It’s time we stop the endless construction of landfills and instead boost recycling and other proven methods to reduce our waste.”
May 10, 2021
Expanding a landfill’s acreage or the number of tons it buries each year only increases the pollution it emits. That’s why CLF is fighting back against these southern New England landfill expansion proposals.
May 10, 2021
Time and again, corporate waste giants are granted permission to expand their dangerous landfills. CLF is working to stop these Northern New England landfills from getting bigger and harming our communities.
Mar 08, 2021
Cambridge partnered with a local composter in 2018 to start a curbside compost program. But as more residents signed-up, the volume of food scraps increased. Cambridge accommodated the growth by finding a new partner. It signed with Waste Management – a partnership that has put the City’s food scraps to waste.