In Maine, A Food Entrepreneur Produces an Almond Milk She Would Actually Drink
Myranda McGowan’s The Whole Almond is one of the New England food start-ups helped by CLF’s Legal Food Hub.

Myranda McGowan’s The Whole Almond is one of the New England food start-ups helped by CLF’s Legal Food Hub.
Eastie Farm is a community farm and educational center in East Boston that has been assisted by CLF’s Legal Food Hub.
When combined with traditional local agriculture, urban agriculture provides a unique opportunity to build and strengthen a robust local food system. This is especially true here in New England, where interest in local food is booming, but easy and affordable access to it is still limited, especially for low-income urban residents.
Even as we mourn the lives lost to COVID-19 and absorb the heavy toll it has taken on our economy, we must recognize that the old “normal” left too many communities unhealthy and especially vulnerable to the pandemic. Replicating that old “normal” will squander an opportunity to reduce climate danger while building healthier and more just communities for all.
Legal Food Hub launches in Connecticut to support local food economy
On August 15, Massachusetts lost a powerful voice for justice. Michaelann Bewsee was a fearless ally and treasured friend whose passion and selflessness profoundly impacted the lives of her neighbors in Springfield and beyond for generations. In her honor, we want to share this piece, originally published in March of 2015, about her work to… Continue reading Protecting New England Together
Sarah Turkus knows firsthand how difficult it can be to navigate complex legal issues while running a busy small farm. Sarah has been a farmer and youth educator since 2010 and, in her latest endeavor, manages a nonprofit cooperative farm that opened in 2018. In preparing for the farm’s launch, Sarah wanted to ensure that… Continue reading Free Guide Takes Guesswork Out of Hiring for Rhode Island Farmers
Our elected officials in Washington, D.C., are currently making big decisions about the future of farm and food policy in our country – and it matters for all of us. We need you to speak up for the Farm Bill to ensure that it helps, rather than harms, New England’s farmers.
CLF has just released a new guide to help fledgling food businesses connect with commercial kitchens at neighborhood schools, churches, synagogues, or other community organizations.
With help from CLF’s Legal Food Hub, a group of Somali Bantu farmers and chefs are opening a new farm-to-table restaurant in Lewiston, Maine.