Jul 19, 2019
“Today’s Supreme Court decision is the right one for New Hampshire,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “Eversource has been nothing but dismissive of community concerns throughout this process and that alone is enough to reject Northern Pass for good. This project has always been bad for the state and Eversource needs to move on.”
May 07, 2018
“Eversource continues to go through the procedural steps necessary to keep the Northern Pass project on life support, but the project is largely dead,” said Melissa Birchard, CLF staff attorney.
Apr 10, 2018
Northern Pass received two major blows in March, knocking it fully out of contention as the energy winner in Massachusetts. The Commonwealth, which initially selected the proposed transmission line for a lucrative clean energy contract in January, severed ties and announced on March 28 that it is moving on to a different project. Just two… Continue reading New England Closes the Door on Northern Pass
Mar 19, 2018
Northern Pass is now on life support. The latest decision in New Hampshire further signals the end of this ill-conceived project – a high-voltage transmission line that would cut through the White Mountain National Forest and bisect New Hampshire from north to south. Northern Pass tried to rush New Hampshire through permitting, but the Granite… Continue reading Northern Pass Denied Lifeline by New Hampshire Decision Makers
Feb 02, 2018
The saga of Eversources’s Northern Pass transmission project took another dramatic turn this week when the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee – a major and necessary hurdle for the project – voted unanimously to reject the proposal. Barely a week before this decision by New Hampshire regulators, the contentious project had been selected as the sole… Continue reading New Hampshire Deals Potentially Fatal Blow to Northern Pass
Jan 27, 2018
Eversource is trying to silence CLF’s opposition to its controversial Northern Pass project. We think they should instead spend their energies responding to the Granite Staters’ concerns about the harmful impacts the proposed massive transmission line will have on their communities and landscapes.
Dec 12, 2017
The Northern Pass transmission project proposes to bring electricity generated from Canadian dams to southern New England. But it will come at a tremendous cost to New Hampshire through the damage it would do to the environment and communities along its 192-mile path. Granite Staters have opposed the project since it was first rolled out… Continue reading Northern Pass Tries (and Fails) to Remain Relevant in Changing Energy Landscape
May 11, 2017
For eight years we’ve been fighting against Eversource’s proposed Northern Pass project. New England didn’t really need it then, and we certainly don’t need it now. It’s time for the idea to be retired.
Mar 08, 2017
The NH legislature is (once again) trying to stop progress on cost-saving, environmentally friendly energy efficiency in the Granite State.
Jan 24, 2017
New Hampshire legislators are trying to kill energy efficiency measures that save Granite State families and businesses money on our electric bills. We need you to tell your legislators to VOTE NO to energy-efficiency killing House Bill 317. Proponents of HB317 are calling the funding of energy efficiency an illegal tax, but that’s just an… Continue reading Don’t Let HB317 Kill Energy Efficiency in NH – Tell Your Reps and Senators NO