May 31, 2017

A Win for New England: Brayton Point Power Plant Shuts Down for Good

Today, New England’s largest coal plant shut its doors. Brayton Point Station in Somerset, Massachusetts, shuttered production today after roughly 50 years of spewing air, water, and carbon pollution into the South Shore air and the Mt. Hope Bay. For years, Conservation Law Foundation and our allies worked tirelessly to close the outdated power plant.… Continue reading A Win for New England: Brayton Point Power Plant Shuts Down for Good

May 31, 2017

Trump’s Withdrawal from Paris Agreement Would Be Reckless, Inexcusable

“President Trump’s reported decision to withdraw from the historic Paris Climate Agreement puts the U.S. on the wrong side of history and at odds with nearly 200 other countries that understand the threat climate change poses to the global economy and our survival as a species,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “CLF will be fighting to ensure this stroke of the president’s pen does not alter New England’s effort to protect our communities from climate risk and does not deter the innovators leading the expanding world market for the clean energy technologies that will shape our future.”

May 08, 2017

Tell Scott Pruitt: You Can’t Repeal and Replace Clean Air and Clean Water

Back in February, President Trump issued an executive order requiring government agencies to review and evaluate all existing regulations on the books. This is all in service to an earlier executive order that says federal agencies must axe two regulations for each new one they create. We have an opportunity right now to speak up… Continue reading Tell Scott Pruitt: You Can’t Repeal and Replace Clean Air and Clean Water

Photo: Scott Pruitt
Mar 28, 2017

President Trump Decimates Critical Clean Air Protections

“President Trump’s decision to roll back EPA’s modest, common-sense climate rules betrays his promises to ‘drain the swamp’ and ‘promote clean air and water,'” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Instead, fossil fuel lobbyists from the swamp are bending a once-revered agency to their will and reversing essential protections. EPA has a legal and moral obligation to protect the public from climate-changing air pollution, and CLF is ready to enforce that obligation despite the president’s despicable action today.”

Mar 07, 2017

CLF Takes Invenergy to Court Over Gas Plant Proposal

“The people of Providence have a right to determine where our water goes,” said CLF attorney Max Greene. “Coercing us into selling off this public resource to power a fossil fuel plant we don’t support is not only irresponsible – it’s illegal. Invenergy’s last hope for this project rests on strong-arming our capital city, and we won’t let them get away with it.”

Mar 02, 2017

With Rick Perry at the Helm, U.S. Energy Future Under Threat

“With the Senate’s approval, Rick Perry today joins a long list of cabinet members unabashedly hostile to the missions of their agencies, resistant to the laws Congress has charged them with administering, and unwilling to allow science to guide their decisions,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “This is more reckless than extreme partisanship and more dangerous than overblown rhetoric. It puts every American on notice that the rule of law is in peril.”

Feb 09, 2017

Invenergy plant in Burrillville fails to sell power to regional grid at auction

But opponents of the plant say that renewable sources can fill in any need for new power in New England. The auction results show that there is a surplus of potential power supplies that can step in, according to Jerry Elmer, staff attorney with the Conservation Law Foundation. In the ISO-NE zone that includes Rhode… Continue reading Invenergy plant in Burrillville fails to sell power to regional grid at auction

Jan 30, 2017

CLF Doubles Down on Efforts to Stop Burrillville Gas Plant

“Invenergy is putting the cart before the horse by unveiling an unacceptable plan to take public water without first resolving the huge chunks missing from its power plant application,” said CLF attorney Max Greene. “The company’s plan to build enormous, expensive and unnecessary fossil fuel infrastructure flies in the face of state policy and public will, yet they continue to go forward with new plans that raise more questions than answers. It’s time for the State to recognize these repeated and glaring deficiencies and shut down this project once and for all.”

Dec 08, 2016

Going Low-Carb

Transforming New England’s Energy System New England’s coal-fired power plants were at their peak when CLF opened its doors 50 years ago. The majority of the region’s coal fleet came online in the post-war boom years of the1950s and 1960s and they would go on to dominate our region’s electricity mix for decades. Today, however,… Continue reading Going Low-Carb