February 21, 2018

MBTA Raises the Specter of Fare Hikes (Again)

by Rafael Mares

The MBTA is crying wolf… again, predicting a deficit of $111 million in its next fiscal budget. The potential solution? Raise fares on riders, again. Governor Baker seems to agree, stating on Valentine’s Day that the MBTA should be discussing a fare increase. I’m not sure that was the best way to spread the love, especially to… Continue reading MBTA Raises the Specter of Fare Hikes (Again)

February 14, 2018

Expanding New England’s Largest Landfill is a Terrible Idea

by Kirstie Pecci

Waste Management wants to expand its Turnkey landfill in Rochester, New Hampshire. Expanding what is already our region’s largest landfill would put communities and our environment at risk – and undermine efforts to reduce waste in the first place.

February 9, 2018

New Hampshire Kids Now Better Protected from Lead Poisoning

by Tom Irwin

A new law in New Hampshire adopts much-needed protections to stem the tide of childhood lead poisoning cases in the state.

February 7, 2018

Vermont Legislators Debate Enforcement of Clean Water Laws

by Rebekah Weber

A summer of horrific blue-green algae outbreaks, particularly in Lake Carmi and along the shores of Lake Champlain, has many Vermont state legislators turning to the question of enforcement of our environmental laws. The fact is, we have protective laws on the books, but without enforcement, our water will remain polluted, threatening the health of… Continue reading Vermont Legislators Debate Enforcement of Clean Water Laws

Photo: JTyler/IStock
February 7, 2018

ISO Forward Capacity Auction Results Show (Yet Again) Invenergy Is Not Needed

by Jerry Elmer

The ISO’s Forward Capacity Auction 12, conducted on Monday, February 5, 2018, once again shows that the proposed Invenergy fracked gas and diesel oil power plant is not needed. What Is the Forward Capacity Auction? The Independent System Operator-New England (ISO) is the entity that runs the New England electricity grid. The ISO is regulated… Continue reading ISO Forward Capacity Auction Results Show (Yet Again) Invenergy Is Not Needed

February 6, 2018

Building for the Climate of the Future

by Deanna Moran

Barely a month ago, a historic storm blasted coastal New England – a “bomb cyclone” that brought blizzard conditions, heavy snow, and massive flooding to Boston’s Seaport neighborhood and other waterfront communities like Chelsea and Salem. As the storm raged, Twitter and Facebook feeds filled with a barrage of images showing icy waters flowing down… Continue reading Building for the Climate of the Future

February 5, 2018

Fishery Council’s Coral Protections Are Progress, Though More Could Have Been Done

by Allison Lorenc

When thinking about New England’s ocean, marine life like lobster, cod, and humpback whales might come to mind. Corals, on the other hand, might not make the list – though they should: New England’s ocean is home to many rich, vibrant, colorful deep-sea coral communities, some of which likely include organisms more than a thousand… Continue reading Fishery Council’s Coral Protections Are Progress, Though More Could Have Been Done

Coral amendment
February 2, 2018

Governor LePage Abuses His Power in Attempt to Block Clean Energy in Maine

by Emily Green

Governor LePage is renewing his assault on clean, renewable energy in Maine. Late last month, he issued an Executive Order that imposes a moratorium on new development of wind power in the state. The order establishes an advisory commission – to be handpicked by LePage – that will meet in secret to review the impacts… Continue reading Governor LePage Abuses His Power in Attempt to Block Clean Energy in Maine

February 2, 2018

New Hampshire Deals Potentially Fatal Blow to Northern Pass

by Greg Cunningham

The saga of Eversources’s Northern Pass transmission project took another dramatic turn this week when the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee – a major and necessary hurdle for the project – voted unanimously to reject the proposal. Barely a week before this decision by New Hampshire regulators, the contentious project had been selected as the sole… Continue reading New Hampshire Deals Potentially Fatal Blow to Northern Pass

transmission lines
February 2, 2018

Invenergy Starts 2018 Flailing

by Jerry Elmer

Invenergy’s proposed power plant barely avoided a near-fatal blow to its proposed dirty energy power plant in January, though it still has big hurdles to overcome before it can push shovels in the ground.