Jul 17, 2018

How to Modernize Our Electricity Grid

Our electricity grid was designed over 100 years ago. But our technology has evolved since then. Clean, renewable energy from solar panels and wind turbines is available right where we live. But we need a smarter, more modern grid to make the most of it.

an electricity tranmission tower and wires against a blue sky with a solar flare. It is from viewpoint of looking up from the ground.
Jul 12, 2018

U.S. House of Representatives Undermines Success of Fisheries Management

“This bill is a giant step backward for fisheries and fishing communities,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at CLF. “We need fishery management practices based on science and accountability, not the whims of politicians, and we applaud the representatives who voted against this bill. CLF will continue to fight for a national fisheries law with strong environmental protections that benefits our fisheries, fishing communities, and marine ecosystem.”

Jul 11, 2018

Time to Revamp New England’s Groundfish Monitoring Program

New England’s cod and other groundfish populations have plummeted to historic lows because of decades of overfishing. Our current system of monitoring isn’t bringing back accurate data, and a new amendment is an opportunity to improve it.

Jul 05, 2018

Scott Pruitt Resigns from EPA

“Don’t be fooled by the devil on his way out the door because there’s another one waiting in the wings,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “There is no doubt that the next EPA administrator will be another Scott Pruitt—in bed with the fossil fuel industry and rolling back environmental protections with a vengeance.”

Jun 27, 2018

How to Track North Atlantic Right Whales from the Comfort of Your Home

North Atlantic right whales are on the brink of extinction. So few are left that your chances of spotting one in the wild are slim, but thanks to technology, you can track the latest intel on New England’s native whales, including up-to-the minute sighting information.

Jun 20, 2018

Repeal of National Ocean Policy Prioritizes Resource Exploitation Over Healthy Oceans

“The repeal of the National Ocean Policy is another attack in the Trump administration’s all-out assault on the nation’s public lands and oceans for the sake of private exploitation and profit,” said Dr. Priscilla Brooks, Director of Ocean Conservation at CLF. “This repeal ignores how smart, science-driven ocean management creates economic, recreational, and environmental benefits. We are incredibly disappointed by this reckless action.”

Jun 08, 2018

What Is Net Metering?

Strong net metering policies are a critical step on our path towards a local, clean energy future.

net metering on solar panels in Maine
Jun 05, 2018

John Davenport, Esq.

John Davenport, Esq. works for both CLF and CLF Ventures, serving as in-house counsel on a variety of matters. From 1984 until his arrival at CLF in 1999, John was Vice President and Associate General Counsel at Liberty Financial Companies, Inc., where he was primarily responsible for legal oversight of its acquisitions and investment companies.… Continue reading John Davenport, Esq.