What prompted you to first give to CLF?
I became aware of some of the projects CLF was engaged in and particularly liked the ability that CLF has to challenge issues from a legal perspective in a constructive way.
Why do you continue to give to CLF?
I like that CLF is active in Vermont, my home state. In Vermont, there’s an unusual opportunity to really make progress because it’s such a grassroots oriented state and such a community-oriented state. The fact that CLF operates not only regionally but also locally means CLF makes the most of this opportunity.
In terms of its effect upon your life, do you have a favorite CLF program, lawsuit or even personal experience?
I feel like clean energy is one of the most pressing issues that affect not only our state but our world. There are powerful interests that are trying to undermine the people’s interest in clean energy and I’m glad that we have CLF bringing its expertise and know-how to the arena to help in this critical fight.
What do you think sets CLF apart from other environmental organizations in your area?
It’s regional and local focus sets it apart in New England. CLF has the ability to connect with people locally in a place like Vermont at the same time that it acts on a larger regional scale.