The Hildreth Family

Donors since 1970, Advocates Society Members, and Maine State Board Member (Daniel) | Falmouth, ME

Hildreth Family

Surrounded by the natural beauty of Maine’s woods and sea, Alison Hildreth and her late husband Horace (“Hoddy”) worried that someday it could all disappear because of development and industrialization. It was this concern that first prompted them to support CLF in 1970. Together, they watched the organization grow from humble beginnings to a regionwide leader addressing issues using a legal framework, which was a new concept for environmental organizations at the time.

Their support now spans multiple generations. Growing up, Daniel and his brothers learned from their parents’ example what it meant to be good stewards of the environment and the importance of giving back for the greater good. Today, Daniel remains passionate about caring for the environment – he is especially concerned about climate change and has a particular interest in CLF’s clean energy work.

The expertise of CLF’s staff and its overall strategic vision are critical to the family’s long-time support of the organization. The legal approach is especially important to them now, when our federal government has shown how easily it can dismantle environmental protections. “The law is a potent defense in the face of such threats,” says Daniel.