Mar 09, 2021

Advocates urge R.I. to regulate ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water

“This is an important public health matter,” said James Crowley, staff attorney for the Conservation Law Foundation in Rhode Island. “It is long past time to take action, and we hope that the incoming administration will prioritize this and move ahead with regulations that are protective of public health.”

Feb 17, 2021

CLF sues Barnstable over pollution in Lewis Bay

CLF is asking the court to rule that Barnstable is in violation of the Clean Water Act: This would trigger the requirement of a federal permit, which comes with stricter limits on nutrients and other contaminants.

Feb 14, 2021

Lawsuit Aims To Block New N.H. Landfill Permits Under Outdated Trash Plan

“DES has been operating with a state solid waste plan that was published in 2003 and expired in 2009,” Irwin said. “Our lawsuit is designed to require DES to come into compliance with the law, start planning in ways that will allow New Hampshire to begin reducing the amount of waste it throws away, and move New Hampshire away from its current overreliance on landfills.”

Feb 08, 2021

Plastic and foam ban is still the right policy for Maine

Laws that reduce the demand and availability of plastic products like Maine’s ban on plastic bags and polystyrene foam containers are critical to halting this build out of plastic production facilities. These bans will drastically reduce the harm these products have on the environment, slash the skyrocketing waste management and recycling costs for cities and towns, and cut down on the overall demand for plastics.

Jan 30, 2021

President Biden Stands Up for the Ocean

Protected areas like the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts are critical in the fight to give these waters and species a chance to recover. We know that setting aside parts of the ocean leads to healthy marine life, which fuels an abundance and diversity of life in adjacent waters. That, in turn, supports our ocean economy, including commercial and recreational fishing and whale watching in the long run. Everyone wins.