Challenging Irresponsible Energy Decision in NH Supreme Court

CLF appeals PUC energy efficiency order

New Hampshire Supreme Court. Photo: SayCheeeeeese/Wikimedia Commons

February 7, 2022 (CONCORD, NH) – Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) has filed an appeal with the New Hampshire Supreme Court challenging a recent decision by the state’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to slash energy efficiency programs. The PUC rejected an energy efficiency plan that would have significantly decreased energy use and climate pollution, as well as helped lessen the impacts of rising energy prices this winter.

“The PUC’s irresponsible and arbitrary decision on energy efficiency cannot be allowed to stand,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “Energy efficiency programs are proven ways to reduce energy bills and cut back on polluting fossil fuel use. At a time when high energy bills and cold nights threaten many New Hampshire families, the PUC has dealt a blow to residents’ and businesses’ ability to save on energy costs. Its decision must be overturned.”

Energy efficiency programs, like weatherizing homes by installing insulation and more efficient windows, slash wasteful electricity and gas consumption. However, the PUC’s order rejecting the plan significantly eviscerates these programs that benefit New Hampshire families and businesses. The plan also would have invested more money to address the needs of low-income families as energy bills are rising across the state.

CLF experts are available for further comment.
