Apr 27, 2022

Connecticut Officially Ends Incentives for Gas Expansion

“This is a huge step towards getting polluting, dirty fossil fuels out of our homes,” said Shannon Laun, CLF staff attorney. “Unfortunately, PURA is giving gas companies a grace period to sign up more customers for the incentive program. Gas poisons our air and is a major driver of the climate crisis, and the incentives should have been ended immediately.”

a row of gas meters on the side of a building
Mar 18, 2022

Gas Utilities Release Reports for Future in Massachusetts

“In the face of the climate crisis, gas companies are wasting precious time in attempting to keep their outdated business model going,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “The simple fact is that there’s no such thing as climate-friendly renewable gas and burning gas in homes is not compatible with the clean energy future that Massachusetts law demands. Our state leaders must begin planning for a transition away from gas, and that should begin with an unbiased look at what will actually solve the climate crisis.”

Feb 08, 2022

Turn Off the Gas

Winter snow and ice bring out Big Gas’s fearmongers. Why is the region’s electric grid operator among them?