States Challenge New, Stricter Federal Tailpipe Pollution Rules
CLF and partners to intervene and defend rules.
CLF and partners to intervene and defend rules.
CLF is creating climate policies that will dramatically cut carbon emissions, particularly in polluting sectors like transportation.
Maine’s Board of Environmental Protection’s straw poll indicates the members’ positions on both standards preceding a formal, final decision that will take place at the end of December.
“Harmful emissions from fossil fuel-powered cars and trucks are driving the climate crisis and polluting the air we breathe,” said CLF senior attorney Emily Green. “The clean car standards will save lives and clean up our air. But our leaders need to go beyond the rule they’re considering and go all electric by 2035. And rejecting the clean trucks standards would be absolutely the wrong move. Our future health, air, and climate depend on us taking bold action today.”
As demand for electric vehicles rises, so does demand for the minerals that make up their batteries. We can ensure mining for them does not hurt people or the environment.
Thankfully, there’s a solution that slashes climate-damaging emissions, saves lives and protects the businesses that rely on these vehicles. The Advanced Clean Trucks rule will never rush a clean vehicle into a job that it’s not ready for. And it will never force a Maine business to purchase a particular vehicle. Instead, it sets a standard for manufacturers.
Maine’s proposed rule to spur electric vehicle purchases should go farther
“Harmful emissions from gas-powered cars and trucks are driving the climate crisis and polluting the air in our communities,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “Rhode Island has an opportunity to tackle the climate crisis while cleaning up the air in our neighborhoods. It’s time to ditch fossil fuels once and for all, and these new rules will help us get there.”
“Harmful emissions from gas-powered cars and trucks are driving the climate crisis and polluting the air in our communities,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President of Clean Energy and Climate Change at CLF. “In creating these new rules, the state has an opportunity to tackle the climate crisis while cleaning up the air for families in Maine. But the draft released today doesn’t go far enough, and we’ll be pushing officials to ensure 100% of cars and passenger trucks sold are electric by 2035.”
“Toxic pollution from cars and trucks overheats the planet and clogs the air in our communities,” said CLF Senior Attorney Emily Green. “The Advanced Clean Cars II and Advanced Clean Trucks rules would help us tackle the climate crisis while cleaning up the air for people and families in Maine. It’s time for our state leaders to step up and walk the walk when it comes to slashing pollution from vehicles.”