Oct 05, 2022

Three Hot Tips to Help the Ocean Cool Down 

Why is our ocean overheating? The main is that it is working overtime to protect us. An overheating ocean spells bad news for marine life and humans. But we can help. Here’s ho

Diver exploring kelp forest in the depths of Cashes Ledge in the Gulf of Maine.
Sep 15, 2022

N.H. Senate Fails to Override Landfill Siting Veto

“All landfills eventually leak. While we ultimately need to move away from burying our waste, we need to make sure landfills are safe for New Hampshire in the meantime,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President CLF New Hampshire.

landfill with garbage trucks
Sep 08, 2022

New report: “The Need to Enforce: Waste Ban Regulations in Massachusetts”

“We need to move away from burying and burning, and towards reducing, reusing, and composting,” said Staci Rubin of Conservation Law Foundation. “A sustainable future means reducing burdens on communities of color and low-income residents who shoulder the brunt of waste disposal. We don’t need to invent any new technologies, we just need the Commonwealth to devote resources to education and enforcement.”

Smoke coming out of smokestacks.
Sep 08, 2022

Enforcing Waste Bans in Massachusetts

Massachusetts faces a host of environmental and public health challenges that will likely take years to solve. But one problem we can clearly solve in the near term is the amount of waste we discard that should be reduced, composted, or recycled.