Oct 10, 2024

There is No Safe Haven from Climate Change

There is no haven from climate change. Like a B-movie horror film, we might run from the boogieman to locales we think are safe, but the scale and magnitude of climate change are so great that, sooner or later, the boogieman will get us.   
Our only recourse now is to take our heads out of the sand and work to do something about it.

storm clouds behind an evacuation route sign
Oct 07, 2024

Roots of Resilience

An increasingly accepted principle in city halls and state houses is that communities can become more resilient to extreme weather by leaning into nature.

A view of Dog River park in Northfield, VT with trees and grass in the foreground.
Sep 25, 2024

The Truth About Bottle Bills: Separating Facts From Myths 

Bottle bills place a small deposit on beverage containers. Consumers get that deposit back when they return the empty containers. Bottle bills tackle litter and improve recycling. Despite these benefits, the waste and beverage industries argue these programs are outdated or unnecessary. But here’s the truth: bottle bills work. Let’s dispel some myths.

Alaina Pinto, influencer, at a bottle return program facility. She empties a bag of drink containers – cans and bottles – into a sorting machine. This machine processes and counts the number of containers covered by the bottle bill system. Upon tallying containers, the consumer will get their initial deposit back.
Sep 18, 2024

It’s Not the 2025 We Want

Project 2025, written as a blueprint for a new conservative administration, would eviscerate decades of hard-won environmental protections for the benefit of the wealthy few. The rest of us—and the country as a whole—would be much worse off because of it.

An illustration with a corner of an American flag and an illustration of the capital over the words Project 2025
Sep 11, 2024

What Voting for the Environment Looks Like

Evaluating candidates running for office can be tricky. Especially when the environment is top of mind. Here are a few pointers to help you assess the best state, local, and national candidates.

A young woman holding a protest sign 'there is no planet b' stands in a usa voting center, symbolizing environmental activism.