Mar 29, 2021

Biden Administration Announces Major Expansion of Offshore Wind

“After four years of Trump obstructing clean energy and promoting dirty fuels at every turn, President Biden’s focus on offshore wind comes not a moment too soon,” said Bradley Campbell, President of CLF. “Wind has the potential to power our homes, our green economy, and our transition away from polluting fossil fuels for good. However, projects must be responsibly sited to protect ocean life as well. Today’s announcement should be a boon to New England’s nascent wind industry and a strong start to the administration’s pledge to have a zero-emission grid by 2035.”

Mar 16, 2021

Rhode Island Senate Passes Critical Climate Bill

“This bill is long overdue as Rhode Island continues to lag our neighbors in putting strong climate laws on the books,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “Our current climate law is woefully out of date and offers no guidance for how to combat climate change in the Ocean State. The bill passed today will ensure that we slash polluting emissions and protect communities from climate threats. The House must now take it up and get it passed.”

Rhode Island's state house
Dec 01, 2020

A New Climate Plan for Maine

“This far-reaching plan to confront the climate crisis sets Maine apart as a national leader,” said Emily Green, Senior Attorney at CLF. “It puts us on track to meet our climate goals and grow our economy while making Maine’s communities more resilient to climate impacts. Now comes the hard part: implementing the plan, and we look forward to working with people across Maine to get it done.”

Sep 22, 2020

What Is a Renewable Energy Certificate?

A Renewable Energy Certificate is a way to measure and track the production of clean energy. It’s how states and utilities track how much clean energy is being produced by renewable energy sources and which electrical utilities are buying that power.

Good solar policy is important for the success of clean energy.
Sep 21, 2020

What Is a Renewable Portfolio Standard?

A Renewable Portfolio Standard is a way for states to ensure their electric utilities – and by extension, the states themselves – are making progress on clean energy. The best policies heavily emphasize clean renewables like wind and solar.

A Renewable Portfolio Standard helps boost jobs in the clean energy industry
Feb 26, 2020

Columbia Gas Pleads Guilty in Merrimack Valley Gas Disaster

“While today’s guilty plea hopefully brings some element of closure in this disaster, the risks that fracked gas poses to our communities and our climate can only be addressed by breaking our addiction to fossil fuels,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President & Director of CLF’s Clean Energy Climate Change program. “As the Commonwealth considers transferring the utility privileges held by Columbia Gas to a new owner, it must ensure that gas utilities are truly committed to safety and combatting the climate crisis. The funds from this settlement must be directed towards the historically marginalized communities that have been hit hardest by this disaster.”

Feb 12, 2020

Why New England Needs More Solar Energy

From more severe storms to prolonged heat waves, climate change is here and it’s happening now. Luckily, clean energy solutions like solar panels can help both our planet and our economy.

solar energy is an important part of a clean energy economy
Nov 07, 2019

Utility and Pipeline Company to Blame for Gas Outage

Just as families in Newport County prepared for a brutal winter night in late January, National Grid cut gas service to more than 7,000 customers, leaving homes and businesses in the cold. They called it a precaution and couldn’t say how it would last. Ultimately, the outage lasted a full week.

a row of gas meters on the side of a building