Apr 28, 2022

CLF Sues Mass. Water Resources Authority

“MWRA plays a vital role in keeping our local waters clean and safe, but we’ve uncovered significant problems in how it responds to unsafe levels of pollution,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “When the agency doesn’t do its job, sewage loaded with toxic industrial pollution threatens the decades of progress we’ve made in cleaning up Boston Harbor.”

Feb 23, 2022

Mass. Water Resources Authority Failing to Protect Water Quality

“Boston’s coastal waters are at risk of dangerous, toxic pollution,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “The public spent millions to clean up Boston Harbor decades ago, and sustaining that incredible progress requires MWRA get serious about doing its job properly.”

Jun 16, 2021

State and Towns Failing to Protect Cape Cod Water

“For years, our state and local leaders have allowed wastewater systems to cause the scourge of toxic algae in Cape Cod’s bays and ponds,” said Christopher Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “It’s time to turn off the tap and stop the flow of wastewater pollution into the Cape’s waters. Residents and visitors deserve to enjoy healthy bays and ponds, and officials need to solve this problem once and for all”

Aerial view of algae mats in Warren's Cove in Marston Mills, Massachusetts. Cape Cod.
Feb 16, 2021

Hyannis Wastewater Plant Polluting Cape Cod Waters

“Sewage and harmful pollutants are leaking from this wastewater plant directly into nearby estuaries, bays, and streams,” said Christopher Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “For too long, Town officials have skirted legal requirements and taken no action to prevent nitrogen pollution and protect the Cape’s waters. The area’s water pollution crisis demands action now.”

Jan 29, 2021

Judge Rules Against State in New Hampshire Fish Hatchery Case

“Pollution from the state’s Powder Mill hatchery continues to poison the Merrymeeting River,” said Kenta Tsuda, CLF Staff Attorney. “It’s time the state is finally held accountable for undermining the river’s ecosystem and imperiling public health. The court’s ruling is an important step forward in cleaning up and protecting this river once and for all.”

Oct 01, 2020

Poll Finds Water Pollution a Critical Issue for Cape Residents

“Wastewater pollution is one of the greatest issues facing Cape Cod,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “We’ve known for decades that this pollution is destroying the Cape’s bays and ponds and threatening to drag property values and the economy down with it. Residents clearly understand the urgency of this crisis, and it’s about time our officials to end the pattern of do-little and delay and commit to solving the problem. ”

Jun 22, 2018

Fighting for Clean Water on Cape Cod

“Nitrogen pollution has disastrous effects on the plant and animal life that live in these beautiful waterways,” said Chris Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “This type of pollution is also harmful to the people who flock to Pleasant Bay and Wychmere Harbor for water sports and other recreational activities. It’s time we hold large polluters responsible for their destructive impacts on our environment.”