Getting Off Gas: Transforming Home Heating in Massachusetts

To solve climate change, we need to move quickly away from using fossil fuels such as gas to heat and power our homes. In Massachusetts, nearly half of all homes rely on gas for heating, which contributes significantly to the state’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Ending our reliance on this climate-damaging fossil fuel could take decades. That’s why the work must start now, especially if the Commonwealth is going to meet its 2050 targets for cutting its overall carbon emissions. Ultimately, residential heating needs in Massachusetts can be met by transitioning from oil and gas furnaces to heat pumps. They’re both cost-effective and provide a lower-carbon form of home heating.

This transition will require a set of practical policy solutions that will cut emissions and transform how we heat our homes. The policies outlined in this report can also serve as a model for other states in New England to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions.