Pitch-a-Blanket Toolkit

Your right to access Boston Harbor and waterfront land is enshrined in the Public Waterfront Act, also known as Chapter 91. In recent years, private developers and their political allies have ignored the commitments required under the law, putting some waterfront areas at risk of becoming exclusive enclaves for the wealthy. In other communities, corporate and industrial neglect have led to waterfront areas being confined behind commercial and industrial development.

Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) is committed to protecting Boston Harbor – the People’s Harbor – from these threats. One of the most effective ways that you can help, either as an individual or an organization, is by exercising your legal right to use waterfront areas. CLF has hosted several “Pitch-a-Blanket” gatherings along Boston’s waterfront, but it’s easy to host one on your own. It’s also an important way to reclaim these public spaces. The more active the public space, the more likely we are to maintain a vibrant Boston Harbor for everyone.

This toolkit provides you with resources to help you organize a public Pitch-a-Blanket gathering, from checklists to sample invitations and press releases.

Encuentra la edición en español de la guía aquí.