Cape Cod Bay. Photo: Scott Varisco via Shutterstock
June 1, 2022 (BOSTON, MA) – Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) is calling for officials to abandon plans to dump nuclear wastewater from the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station into Cape Cod Bay. Holtec International, the owner of the plant, has suggested that it may discharge the wastewater into the bay, which would threaten marine life, public health, and the local economy.
“Cape Cod Bay is not a dumping ground for toxic waste,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “Alternate methods of disposal for the radioactive water are available and Holtec must abandon all efforts to dispose of it in the bay immediately. The effects on the health of the bay, marine life, and the public are largely unknown but could be disastrous.”
In a letter to the EPA, nuclear officials, and Holtec, CLF is urging the company to accept environmental responsibility for its waste, take the path least damaging to local communities, and publicly announce that it will not discharge the waste into Cape Cod Bay.
CLF experts are available for further comment.